Earlier today little Miss Bella had her first real outdoor excursion! It was so exciting! I mean yeah, she's been "outside", carried in her car seat from the house to the car, but its been so frigid and snow has pretty much covered the ground since she was born that we hadn't been able to have a real outdoor experience. Its so nice to finally be seeing weather in the 50's and its actually 62 today! Bella and I explored the back, front and side yards, but the backyard was most interesting, we felt the textures of leaves and trees and looked at the grass and sky and bushes and trees, it was all so interesting! Then we sat on the front porch for a bit before heading back inside to nurse and afterwards she took a 5 min cat nap. :) So exciting to be finally seeing signs of spring and I absolutely cannot wait till it warms up enough to go outside and play with her on a regular daily basis, and to take her for walks and to the park, especially without having to get bundled up.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
Aww! What a fun and beautiful day! You got some beautiful pictures of you and sweet Bella!