
Introducing... The Joyful Tribe!

So as you all might have noticed... Its been a little quiet around here lately... and yes, I did have something up my sleeve, something that has been in the works for the past couple months, a change that is both scary and exciting for me at the same time.

Whew... So here we go!
As of today...
*Drum roll please*
... The Happy Cupcake will be rebranding!
Yes, a completely new look and name!
I will still be blogging about the same things but after almost a year of blogging I decided the blog needed a freshening up... and here's why...
When I decided I wanted to blog I just chose any old name, really the first name I came up with and once I decided that blogging was something I really enjoyed and wanted to further pursue I realized I needed to have it exactly like I wanted, not just the first cute name I came up with, I needed something that was more "me", something that wasn't just happy, something that went deeper, something "joyful", something that wasn't just about me, but my entire "tribe"...
So there you have it... the cat is out of the bag...
As of today, The Happy Cupcake is now "The Joyful Tribe"!
My instagram name will also be changing from @lifeasahappycupcake to @thejoyfultribe.
I am so excited for this change and opportunity to rebrand and refresh!
Another venture (completely unrelated to my blog) that I am excited to announce is The Joyful Life Project; another instagram I recently started (can be found at @thejoyfullifeproject).
The Joyful Life Project came about one day as I was filling up the coffee jar, I ended up spilling some on the countertop and though I should have been annoyed at the extra work I had just made for myself, I wasn't... I in fact had the complete opposite reaction. I was overjoyed!
"What!" you say?
Yes, I had this overwhelming sense of joy come over me...
The fact that I had coffee grounds to spill, the fact that I have a {wonderful} husband that drinks coffee every morning, that I have coffee to help wake me up on days when I just can't seem to get it together, the fact that I have a countertop, that I have a kitchen, the fact that we have a place to live and my husband has a decent job.
So from spilled coffee grounds this idea was born, a place we can gather and encourage each other, using the hashtag #thejoyfullifeproject on your instagram photos we can share the little {and big} things that bring us joy, maybe it's something totally off the wall and something that's perhaps strange to be thankful for {like spilled coffee grounds} that you want to share? If it brings you joy then share it!

I hope you will all stick around and journey and into this land of joy with me and my joyful little tribe.

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