

I just realized that I never got around to sharing our trip to Ripley's Aquarium when we visited there a few months ago during our vacation to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina! It was such a fun trip and Ripley's had been on our list for awhile, so one sweltering hot day, we decided it was the most perfect day to get in out of the sun for a bit and see some sea life up close and personal!

We saw so many things, sharks, a sea turtle, jellyfish, seahorses, abut a million different kinds of fish, anemones, sting rays... it was absolutely amazing. We loved getting to touch a sting ray, horseshoe crabs, shrimp, and best of all, jelly fish. I mean, that may or may not have been a huge item on my bucket list. I also may or may not have been completely nerding out and spent way too much time with the jellies haha, they're just so cool! Bella was especially fascinated with the sting rays and loved sticking her little hands in the water and touching them as they swam past. We also learned so many things about the sea life that's housed at Ripleys Aquarium and even cooler is that they actually help rehabilitate injured sea turtles and release them back into the wild afterwards! They even have a Pearl Harbor Exhibit with so much history that we toured!

It was such a fun trip on a fun vacation that ended way too soon. Make sure to visit Ripley's Aquarium on your next trip to Myrtle Beach, we had tons of fun and we know your family will too! 

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